Publicity overview
Arranges all advertising of registration with newspapers (Gazette, Island Parent), Shaw Cable and the arena signage.
Sends test results to Thin Ice and Gold Feet awards.
Sends results of competitions to the Gazette and Times Colonist and CHEK News.
Arranges for newspaper articles of special events or special accomplishments by members.
Keeps current information on the bulletin board. Use pictures, etc, in the glassed-in section.
Takes photos of different events, volunteers, and sessions for publication in the arena and
on the club website, Facebook page and Instagram account.
Attends monthly Executive meetings and submits a written report with updated information
ready to present.
Provides a proposal for a yearly budget to be approved by the Executive.
Creates blog posts to keep members up to date with ongoings of the club.
o Director of Skating to provide some input to these posts.
Keep website up to date and with current information.
Updates various social media with current information and create engagement with our
Send out emails as needed to members.